I liked 13 & 20 particularly. 1 They are a recognised doubles pair (13) DOPPELGANGERS: Cryptic defn: Not say, the Williams sisters at Wimbledon, but two living persons who are not related but look like each other. Read more >>Inquisitor 1207. Time on your hands? Stay connected and keep in touch with your friends with our new Puzzles mobile app. The usual cryptic definitions galore as one expects from this setter. Only my LOI (13d)was new to me. Independent 10,365 by Monk. May 21, 2023. The Guardian. Solved in just under 20 mins, a bit slower than usual for Virgilius, where a theme usually becomes clear to help the solver along. A great thematic puzzle from Gozo, a mid-week treat! All the undefined clues are writers. Thanks to Armonie. Two points for those of you who are coming to the John Henderson Big Birthday Bash Part 1: 1. Wondered if there was a date-specific reason for this, but cannot see a theme. Cranbrook, BC V1C 3S6. A bhisti is an Indian water-carrier, as was Gunga Din in Kipling’s poem: 6. February 20, 2023 by Pierre. Speedy, Everyman and Azed Email observer. Favourites were 13ac, 17ac, 1dn, 2dn, 15dn, and 18dn. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Some tricky clues here. It is published on theguardian. A typically entertaining puzzle from a long-time favourite in this slot. Quiptic 1,227 by Hectence; Independent on Sunday 1,734 by Italicus; Azed 2656; Everyman 3,995;I completed left top corner first and then the right top. The Quiptic is intended as a puzzle for beginners (or those who don’t have a lot of time to spend), and this one fits the bill nicely, with plenty of straightforward anagrams and double definitions among other clearly-indicated. The preamble was fairly short and told us that one (related) element is lacking from each of the first 12 italicised clues. Read more >> Categories Guardian 40 Comments. One of the reasons I struggled might be that there are no full anagrams (although there are shedloads of insertion clues). Prize puzzle from the Weekend FT of March 30, 2013. You can access more than 15,000 crosswords and sudoku and solve. A very enjoyable challenge. The stars next to each answer will guide you to the best answer for your clue. When I opened the Guardian website today to see whose puzzle I’d be blogging, I had that familair sense of unease that comes from seeing the name “Araucaria”. (DUE PROPER)* with ‘reconstruction’ as the. Set by: Kite. Tue 27 Jun 2023 19. Thanks, Jason. Across. 9 Oddly your bit. Time on your hands? Stay connected and keep in touch with your friends with our new Puzzles mobile app. A web-only, cryptic puzzle for beginners and those in a hurry. MODISH: In a very short time, girl to be quiet (6) MO + DI + SH: 9. The author’s real name was David John Moore Cornwell. Today’s Cryptics. Time on your hands? Stay connected and keep in touch with your friends with our new Puzzles mobile app. Quiptic Genius Speedy Everyman Azed More Crosswords. 1a, 25a, 2d, 4d, 6d amused me especially. Lorraine: Good Morning to you all,. Quiptic 1,225 by Pasquale. I put a tick against about half of the answers, but my favourites were 2dn and 26ac. To post comments on the crossword puzzle, please click here. Thanks, flashling. and quite a challenge it was! A first reading the clues showed that there is a theme, with 3d the key word. So, another new setter has wandered into this space. This didn’t seem quite like usual Thursday fare, since Thursdays tend to be rather difficult, for me at any rate, and although there are several places here where I don’t fully understand what’s going on, it did seem to be rather easier than usual. Comprehend (8) 9. September 9, 2019 by Pierre. You can access more than 15,000 crosswords and sudoku and solve puzzles online together. Thanks, flashling. Had the same eye sage construction. 8 Lawyer regularly stopping. In down clues these give the first of five sentences of a statement. Abbreviations. Across. Tue 27 Jun 2023 19. 00 EDT. 10 Redshank cheered me up this morning This was a very enjoyable solve with some clever wordplay and at least one clue that sent me off down a blind alley. Crosswords Quiptic crossword No 1,227 Print | Accessible version Set by: Hectence Sun 21 May 2023 19. This was really enjoyable, not a walk in the park more, but rewarding if you stick with it. You can access more than 15,000 crosswords and sudoku and solve puzzles online together. Time on your hands? Stay connected and keep in touch with your friends with our new Puzzles mobile app. Across: 5. Time on your hands? Stay connected and keep in touch with your friends with our new Puzzles mobile app. Another enjoyable mixed bag from Cinephile. You can access more than 15,000 crosswords and sudoku and solve. Read more >> Guardian Quiptic 1,228/Matilda May 29, 2023. There will be a meeting for crossword setters and solvers at The George, Borough High Street, Southwark, London, SE1 1NH, coinciding with the annual Times Crossword Championship. A letter must be inserted into all down and most across clues before solving. Quiptic 1,227 by Hectence. You can access more than 15,000 crosswords and sudoku and solve puzzles online together. Across: 1: GET A ROOM: What’s said when one’s due to be cuddled by future partner (3,1,4): ETA=estimated time of arrivale=”What’s said when one’s due”; inside/”cuddled by” GROOM=”future partner”; &lit definition: 5: CONDOM: Rubber rings held by campaigners next to motorway (6): O and O=”rings”; held by CND=Campaign for. Monday Prize Crossword on 17 May 2010 Once again, a gentle start to the week with the maestro of the slick and smooth clues. Categories Guardian Quiptic 13 Comments. The only other herald I think I can remember is the something Poursuivant – 9: ALLOPURINOL – all, N in (pour oil)* – an anti-gout drugQuiptic Genius Speedy Everyman Azed More Crosswords. Top puzzle, that. Across. I found this a neatly constructed puzzle which hit the spot in terms of accessibility. Quiptic 1,253 by Bartland; Independent 11,578/Wire; Guardian Cryptic 29,232 by Vulcan; Everyman 4,021/12 November; Azed No. ) A straightforward puzzle, thanks to Armonie. It also has a presence in the US and Australia as Guardian US and Guardian Australia. My clue of the week is 27ac (HYENA) and I am also wowed by 14dn (FIBRILLATE) and 24dn (BLESS). Quiptic 1,227 by Hectence. However, I do have an aversion to repetition of the same device in the same puzzle (see 11 Down) ACROSS 1 PULLS OFF Pulls off (the opposite of doesn’t push on) 5 BRACES dd and anyone with trousers being. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. (a bugbear of mine), I can’t find much to fault in this very enjoyable puzzle. Many thanks to Exit (who is one of the (Independent) regulars at Fifteensquared). January 2, 2020 by Bertandjoyce. I may well have passed through this Devon town, but that would have been a very long time ago. The Quiptic is 20 years old in November and Hectence was one of the first setters back in the early days. An insertion of SS for the ‘borders’ of ‘stupendous’ in BLOOMS. Time on your hands? Stay connected and keep in touch with your friends with our new Puzzles mobile app. crosswords​@theguardian. Click search. Today’s Cryptics. A lovely cinematic experience from Brummie today. Crossword Clues. It was. com every MondayThe Guardian Quiptic 1227 May 22, 2023 Crossword Answers. Quite a delightful morning exercise which did not trouble me at all except 23A but help was very quickly forthcoming. April 18, 2011 by Pierre. Not too difficult this week from Araucaria, with no monster phrases or multiple cross-references. I had only one minor quibble (see HYENA) below, but some of. cd cryptic definition. Set by: Carpathian. Quiptic crossword No 1,246. 1 Bill Dad’s accepted at centre of Faro inn? (5,3)I have been asked to draw your attention to Hugh Stephenson’s latest editor’s update which gives details of a proposed memorial to Araucaria and how we can contribute towards it. I thought this was a very well executed theme as discovering the theme did not turn the clues into write-ins, I still had to think hard to work them out. July 18, 2022 July 18, 2022 by scchua. May 29, 2023 by Pierre. Quick crossword No 16,664. . 10: A TAR + AXIA[l] – defined as the noun ‘calm’. Quiptic 1,227 by Hectence. My solving notes for TREASURE HUNT simply say ‘WOW!’ once I got to the end of this Herculean task… Yet another carte blanche – no bars, clue numbers or even enumerations! – but at least the clues are in ‘normal’ order, so it isn’t a pure jigsaw – I guess I have to be grateful for small mercies. BRAZIL: Angela‘s supporter, backing the Queen, briefly (6) BRA + reverse of LIZ. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Prize puzzle from the Weekend FT of July 15, 2017 As usual Goliath gives us a slew of clever clues and a couple of tough ones. +1 250-595. Gaufrid – October 2018. 00 EST. So, what happened August 5 th, 1962?. Definitions are underlined in the clues. : 10: OLOGY – 0 + LOGY. 3 – World by Gaff. com For technical problems email [email protected]; 8: LABOURING – LABOUR,I,N,G: 9: FA CUP – [wi]F[e],A,CUP(=single supporter) Shouldn’t this be (1,1,3) rather than (2,3) ?: 11: GREEK – R inside GEEK as in “Phil the Greek”: 12: DOORSTEPS – (STOP SOD ER)* Anagrind: “moving” First to go in: 13: FERRARI – (RARE)* inside FRI Anagrind: “get screwed” I had the wordplay but had to. Most probably the last photo taken of him. Liked too many clues to list them all here. Thanks to Chifonie. Cryptic crossword No 29,076. This type of clue is one of the reasons that many solvers don’t appreciate Anto’s efforts at compiling a. You can access more than 15,000 crosswords and sudoku and solve puzzles online together. Across: 1: NIGHT OWL: Bird is close and drier having abandoned side of lake (5,3): Charade of NIGH (close) and TOWeL (minus ‘e’, having abandoned side of lake; nice misdirection on drier – here as a noun rather than as an adjective, although some would argue that the noun form should be spelt dryer)Don’t Get Me Wrong by Opsimath. Financial Times Guardian Independent. Nice puzzle with one clue I cannot explain. This is one of those cryptic defs that might really be a double def depending on how loose a definition one expects for one part. Quiptic crossword No 1,220. This was a fairly gentle puzzle from Schadenfreude – the challenge was to idenitfy the empty cells where the cause and effect were to be entered, “thus thwarting an attempt to save the planet”. Independent on Sunday 1,734 by Italicus. Sun 19 Mar 2023 20. Thanks to Picaroon. (. Monday Prize Crossword on 13 December 2010 Another delightful puzzle from a great wordsmith whose slick facility with the English word continues to entertain and beguile us. Better late than never, I hope. Definitions are underlined in the clues. A somewhat bizarre answer phrase, and using ‘Top of the’ for ‘T’ is a bit weak when the first word of the answer is also ‘the’. Quiptic crossword No 1,207. I did manage it, but only because I was familiar with the ducks – I’d not have got many of them from the wordplay. and quite a challenge it was! A first reading the clues showed that there is a theme, with 3d the key word. This type of clue is one of the reasons that many solvers don’t appreciate Anto’s efforts at compiling a Quiptic puzzle. Across (a) BE(CA. Thanks to Carpathian for the puzzle. Thank you to Hectence. May 15, 2023 by Pierre. Prize puzzle from the Weekend FT of February 21, 2015. Bravo/Brava to Chandler. THRACE (historical and geographic area in southeast Europe, centred on the modern borders of Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey; old country). There will be people there who know each other via websites etc, but have never met face-to-face. A puzzle from Hoskins to start the Indy week. Abbreviations cd cryptic definition dd double definition cad clue as definition (xxxx)* anagram anagrind = anagram indicator [x] letter(s) removed (Please post comments on ONLY the picture quiz hereinbelow. Quiptic Genius Speedy Everyman Azed More Crosswords. First puzzle in the new year and it is one of my favourite setters. 1227 Cranbrook Street N. The setter is asking you to ‘distribute’ the letters AID in a random way ‘through’ the letters C, N and D. Guardian Quiptic 1,246/Placeholder. Across. Sun 21 Apr 2002 19. Prize puzzle from the Weekend FT of October 31, 2015. Nice misdirection with ‘small pad’ seeming to reference a bedsit: 10: EARHOLE – E + A + ROLE around H. Learn how your comment data is processed. June 1, 2020 June 1, 2020 by Pierre. I can’t make a connection (there probably is one) to the numerical answers: hundred and one, thousand, and eleven. Good morning, Quiptic crossworders. Favourites 25ac, 1dn, and 18dn. A well-crafted Quiptic from Pasquale as usual. com every Monday Time on your hands? Stay connected and keep in touch with your friends with our new Puzzles mobile app. Last Monday, the FT changed the usual setter and gave me Cincinnus to blog. Sun 16 Apr 2023 19. S. November 2, 2015 November 2, 2015 by Pierre. comPrior to this puzzle, there have been a couple of weeks where the EVs had misspellings in the clues’ definitions, which I tend to find rather hard. I found this a pretty straightforward and enjoyable puzzle from The Don in his fortnightly Indy slot. 8 Princess cut by a bit of rig in which one gets the chop? KARATE An insertion of A and R in KATE. Nick: Average Azed this week, 7/10 for me. /lacking taste or style. 00 EDT. Read more >> Categories Guardian Quiptic 39 Comments. 11,577 by Twin;My solving notes for TREASURE HUNT simply say ‘WOW!’ once I got to the end of this Herculean task… Yet another carte blanche – no bars, clue numbers or even enumerations! – but at least the clues are in ‘normal’ order, so it isn’t a pure jigsaw – I guess I have to be grateful for small mercies. The Guardian Quiptic Crossword 1227 Answers CLICK ON ANY OF THE QUESTIONS BELOW TO SHOW THE FULL ANSWER ACROSS Grapple with story about lead characters in Citizen Kane Legendary UFO lab rocked America Latest thing is going round northern Sweden's mountains Be very obvious criticism's not allowed I'll organise getting holiday book containing sex Quiptic crossword No 1,227. You can access more than 15,000 crosswords and sudoku and solve puzzles online together. Definitions are underlined in the clues. Time on your hands? Stay connected and keep in touch with your friends with our new Puzzles. Set by: Pan. A good one for less experienced solvers, I think; for this reason I’ve tried to give full explanations. Speedy 1441 <<< Older Puzzles. Time on your hands? Stay connected and keep in touch with your friends with our new Puzzles mobile app. Seeing the massive fall of snow in the UK, he must have wished he tarried longer down under or stopped over with Uncle Yap, 3 degree north of the equator and enjoying. Mudd’s puzzle today was a pleasant solve, themed around Scotland. Most probably the last photo taken of him. Time on your hands? Stay connected and keep in touch with your friends with our new Puzzles mobile app. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. My first blog of a new year crossword is a duel with Nestor. Hard in places as you’d expect, for a change Filbert has included a helpful Nina, the outside columns read HELPFUL LETTERS although they weren’t particularly helpful until late in the solve, thanks Filbert. Across; 1: A STIFF UPPER LIP : Hiker by border following dog with no lead, one kept by Briton? (1,5,5,3) [m]ASTIFF (dog with no lead) UPPER (hiker – as in raising something) LIP (border) The clue the provided the breakthrough in the top half and most of the puzzle, when I eventually got it – purely from definition and letter count. This was last week’s Christmas Eve puzzle so not surprisingly another seasonal theme but not cloyingly so: some toboggans, crackers, a carol, a miracle, a portent and bit too much drinking. Jane and I would like to thank everyone for making the (first) Sloggers and Betters York weekend such an amazing event. (a bugbear of mine), I can’t find much to fault in this very enjoyable puzzle. Set by:. Financial Times Sunday No. Kairos steps in for Dac this week – and we found this quite difficult to get to grips with. I like my birds and I love my cricket, so I couldn’t not have a good crack at this one. Across: 5. Across: 1: RECOIL: Flinch from a backlash (6): Double definition 4: MARGINAL: Such a seat maybe alarming to MPs (8) (ALARMING)*, the definition seems clear to me but hard to underlineEntertaining crossword from Bradman with a “fishy” flavour and some deft anagrams. Not the easiest of Quiptics, with a few awkward constructions, but most of it fits the brief for “beginners and those in a hurry” and I’ve attempted to explain where it might not. Clearly clued and with concise and meaningful surface readings. Abbreviations. You can access more than 15,000 crosswords and sudoku and solve puzzles online together. Quiptic 596/Hectence. d. Sun 25 Jun 2023 19. Across 1. com Prior to this puzzle, there have been a couple of weeks where the EVs had misspellings in the clues’ definitions, which I tend to find rather hard. May 26, 2023 May 22, 2023 by Widdersbel. May 8, 2023 by Quirister. Sun 4 Jun 2023 19. I put a tick against about half of the answers, but my favourites were 2dn and 26ac. You can access more than 15,000 crosswords and sudoku and solve puzzles online together. . Sun 1 Jan 2023 19. FLUID OUNCE. Quiptic crossword No 1,227. Newer Puzzles >>> The Guardian is one of the world’s leading English. The fairly obvious theme made many of the clues easy but there are four answers that I was not familiar with including one, Atebrin a medicine, that I imagine very few people knew. On the hard side, as one expects from Nimrod. Guardian Quiptic 1,226/Bartland. The ever-reliable Hectence provides our entertainment today. regularly) “ repasts “. Also, it turns out, some of the bars and borders were missing from the published grid, which is a shame. : 5: DASYPOD – (DOPY + SAD)<. )E (b) HIEROGRAMMATE – (rag Rome)* in him, ate = worried. Quiptic Genius Speedy Everyman Azed More Speedy. You can access more than 15,000 crosswords and sudoku and solve puzzles online together. I can’t see it in Chambers but then again, I can’t see any other candidates. Free crosswords that can be completed online by mobile, tablet and desktop, and are printable. A pleasant and easy outing with Rosa. 1: SHIUR – hidden — from the Hebrew for lesson — so strictly speaking not Yiddish though probably has been absorbed there. I also like 10A (WELL-NIGH). Favourites 1ac, 5ac, 10ac, 11ac, 14ac, and 7dn. Quite tricky, and an enjoyable solve with some very neat surfaces. For the clue PUZZLE, we are looking for an answer that contains 7 letters. 9 Run-down property due proper reconstruction DOER UPPER (DUE PROPER)* with ‘reconstruction’ as the. It’s ages since I blogged a Tramp puzzle, so I was more pleased than ever to see his name this morning. Guardian Quiptic 1,228/Matilda. Quiptic 1,227 by Hectence. An enjoyable and relatively gentle end to the week. Across. You can access more than 15,000 crosswords and sudoku and solve puzzles online together. Comprehend (8) 9. Thanks, flashling. 00 EDT. Set by: Guy. Brava, Matilda. Find the clues that have the same answer. The September Genius puzzle has been set by Kite . A typically entertaining puzzle from a long-time favourite in this slot. Thanks to Phssthpok. Quiptic Genius Speedy Everyman Azed News. A typically entertaining puzzle from a long-time favourite in this slot. . Guardian Quiptic. cad clue as definition. I may well have passed through this Devon town, but that would have been a very long time ago. I raced through this puzzle rather surprising myself with how quickly I solved it. Announcements. Quiptic Genius Speedy Everyman Azed More Crosswords. A challenge, but worth the effort. Quiptic 1,233 by Hectence. Brava, Matilda. US lexicographer — Jacobean playwright (7) 11. A web-only, cryptic puzzle for beginners and those in a hurry. Guardian Quiptic 1183 Hectence. A typically entertaining puzzle from a long-time favourite in this slot. An almost perfect offering from Wanderer… let down, at least in my opinion, by 28ac, where the setter appears to have added in “party” to aid the surface, but it is completely redundant as far as the wordplay is concerned, and the clue could actually have been OK without it. 1227 (7,4) 7. In down clues these give the first of five sentences of a statement. January 2, 2020 by Bertandjoyce. RIP Liz Geear. You can access more than 15,000 crosswords and sudoku and solve puzzles online together. Mudd’s puzzle today was a pleasant solve, themed around Scotland. com. FF: 9 DD: 7Not sure how hard this actually was since I solved it over several days in between various meetings. OBJECTOR: She opposes men on purpose (8) OBJECT (purpose) + OR (‘other ranks’, men), with an Arachne-style non-sexist “she”: 9. Rodriguez provides today’s challenge. MODISH: In a very short time, girl to be quiet (6) MO + DI + SH: 9. Quiptic crossword No 1,220. Prize puzzle from the Weekend FT of March 30, 2013. Loads of envelopes, plus a handful (or two) of other standard devices. You can access more than 15,000 crosswords and sudoku and solve puzzles online together. I think the puzzle is a mixed bag. Ta Jed, generally quite easy on the train home, couldn’t place chevre cheese so thanks for that. A minor blemish on a lovely Quiptic, thanks C & s. Favourites were 19/29, 3dn, 16dn and 19dn. There is a gentle Nina — hardly a Nina, more a recurrent theme, and I don’t know how this one sits in the list provided the other day — where two answers are juxtaposed and a hidden answer is then found. Found this one really tough – maybe the “blogger’s curse” (anything you have to write about magically becomes harder), or maybe theme-word paranoia (clues that you know help with the gimmick become magically harder – coded. Found TBRB quite useful — understatement of the year. 9 Run-down property due proper reconstruction. ,U. I pencilled BURDEN in over-confidently for 8 Across. Sun 12 Mar 2023 20. Learn how your comment data is processed. Solving time: 20′ Another rather fast solve for me… though spent a couple of minutes at first staring until the first clue (EVITA) succumbed. Speedy crossword No 1,467 Published: 18 Nov. 00 EDT. Thanks to Philistine. You can access more than 15,000 crosswords and sudoku and solve puzzles online together. 1227 Judge Pl is a 2,577 square foot house on a 9,053 square foot lot with 3 bedrooms and 2. Time on your hands? Stay connected and keep in touch with your friends with our new Puzzles mobile app. 6 Bust, or the opposite of bust around start of season (5) BOSOM BOOM (opposite of bust) around S (first letter or. You can access more than 15,000 crosswords and sudoku and solve puzzles online together. You can access more than 15,000 crosswords and sudoku and solve puzzles online together. 4 OB SERVER Nice seamless join at see/old. As of around 7:00am UK time, the Guardian Quiptic 1,246 is not available to blog: the site is still offering Carpathian’s puzzle from last week. com every Monday The Guardian Quiptic 1227 May 22, 2023 Crossword Answers. Gaufrid in 1993. An enjoyable Sunday outing with Raich, to whom thanks. I can’t make a connection (there probably is one) to the numerical answers: hundred and one, thousand, and eleven. Get directions. (xxxx)* anagram. (Please click here for this same blog but with a picture quiz added. I found this puzzle hard to get into, perhaps because, as I realised today, I have so little experience of solving Crosophile’s puzzles. It is published on theguardian. The insertion indicator is ‘edged with’. Not a toughie, but a goodie: plenty of variety and invention here from Orense, though perhaps one too many hidden solutions. . You drew my attention to the fact that I hadn’t modified the ‘Preview’ plug-in so that the site matched the screenshot I generated earlier. I will however have a look as soon as we return. dd double definition. Makes a change. Thanks to Pan. May 7, 2023 May 7, 2023 by Widdersbel. Prize puzzle from the Weekend FT of February 21, 2015. Time on your hands? Stay connected and keep in touch with your friends with our new Puzzles mobile app. Set by: Kite. April 27, 2023 at 9:23 am . Poins today. I am again having to stand in at the last moment and so another post prepared in a hurry with the consequential possibility of errors (though I hope not).